Wednesday 15 February 2012


Yesterday was Big C and A’s birthday, they are my little love babies as I call it. This day has some many deep thoughts to go through. I have thoughts of excitement, thoughts of sorrow, and thoughts of awe. And to think that just three years ago this day held very little impact. I was not ever a huge Valentine fanatic.

We have for the last two years on their birthday celebrated it by having a “parents potluck party”. That meant Godparents (both sets), Grandparents (both sets), Foster parents and Parent parents, us, would all get together to share in food, present opening, cake, and showering both Big C and A with love. Also any Aunts or Uncles who are in town come out too. I am happy we have decided to celebrate them in this way. I just look around the house that night and think how blessed my kids are to have SO many people in their lives who love them SO deeply. It is truly a wonderful night.

I also go through some emotional lows on that day. To think about how I missed their first 9 birthdays is difficult and as much as I try not to think of it I always seem to have a few moments of reflection. I missed seeing them come into this world. I missed that first birthday that they tried their first taste of cake. I missed being able to throw years of themed parties that reflected their interests that year. I missed planning 9 years of gifts and watching their faces light up when they open them. I missed those years, I missed my babies grow up for the first 9 years of their lives.

But what I do try to focus on is that I have had the last 2 birthdays and will get the rest. This gives me so much just knowing I have the future.

But not all reflections on past years makes me feel low. As I said before I have not been a big Valentines fanatic. Didn’t really bother me if I didn’t have a guy or if I did. Yes Jon is very blessed man not to have the “LOVE DAY” pressure, J. As I was thinking about this a few weeks ago and thanking the Lord I wasn’t hugely into V-day because it allows me to better focus on my kids having such a great day then myself. I realized that I did have one year that I went for no reason all out. I bought gifts, cards, even roses for all my friends. I even drove to each of their schools and homes to hand deliver the goods. As I thought of that Valentines and wondered what overcame me to do all that that year it dawned on me, the year was 2001. That was the year, the day my A and Big C were born. The Holy Spirit allowed me to celebrate their birth without me even knowing why I was celebrating. God works in such amazing ways and always brings me to awe over his ultimate plans.

Thank You Jesus for my children. May you bless each of them as they venture into their year of being 11!


When Lil’ C was only 5 days old he did the most crazy and bizarre thing I ever saw. Lil’ C was lying on Jon’s chest while Jon was lying on the coach just relaxing and taking in the fact he had just became a father. When all of a sudden Lil’ C lifted his head, propped himself up with his one hand, looked Jon straight in the face and slapped him across the cheek. He then went right back to the limp position he previously was in and left Jon stunned and with a little bit of a sore cheek.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Lovey Dovey-niss

Because this is my first post of the month of LOVE I thought I would post a lovey dovey post.
Here are a few reasons I am so very thankful to God that I was blessed with marriage at a young age.
©      I got to enjoy the look on people’s faces when they realized I was married and that they either are the same age and can’t imagine being committed to another person for life or they have children the same age and can’t imagine them being committed to another person for life.
©      Shooting a potatoes gun in a field was a normal marital date.
©      We were so young hardly anyone expected us to pop out babies’ right after getting married so we enjoyed our time together as a married couple without the pressures of starting a family.
©      It wasn’t odd at all to have our single or dating friends come over for sleepovers and for us to sleep in the living room. (although I will probably do this forever J )
©      We went to youth and C’N’C nights still.
©      We got to buy our first house together.
©      I was able to be right beside and got to support my husband through most of his secondary schooling instead of his parents.
©      We got to become adults together and make adult decisions together.
©      We got to build the foundations of our life right from our youth years together.
©      We have got the privilege of being witness to each other’s growth in Christ from a youth like faith that comes from our parents into an adult faith that comes out of our own.
©      But I would have to say that the biggest thing I am thankful for is the blessing of having my best friend right beside me in almost all the hardest growth I have had this far in my life and that I will have him there for so many more years.

Went to Grandparent's for some yummy frenchtoast, bacon, and a mountain of fruit. Lil’ C sits down at his plate, eats about two bites of frenchtoast, looks at the bacon and fruit, then tells us he is done but he would like some vegetables. So I cut him up a bunch of cucumber and he ate that instead.

Yep, only wish I would feel that way when I saw frenchtoast, bacon and a mountain of fruit.